PROCEDURE: You may feel perfectly rested and content only to have people tell you that you look tired or worried. This can be the result of deep furrows or sagging eyebrows, which not only produces a look that does not fit how you feel, but also makes you look tired, old, sad, or angry. A brow lift or forehead lift minimizes forehead creases, drooping eyebrows, hooding over eyes, furrowed forehead and frown lines by removing excess tissue, altering muscles and tightening the forehead skin. It may be done using the traditional technique, with an incision across the top of the head just behind the hairline, or with the use of an endoscope, which requires 3 to 5 short incisions. The endoscope technique is most often done on people over 40.
LENGTH: 1 to 2 hours
ANESTHESIA: Local with sedation, or general.
SIDE EFFECTS: Temporary swelling, numbness, headaches, bruising. Traditional method: possible itching and hair loss.
RECOVERY: Back to work: 7 to 10 days, usually sooner for an endoscopic brow lift. More strenuous activity: Several weeks. Full recovery from bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Limit sun exposure for several months.